The benefit of purchasing this policy is that you’ll have a back-up in case you don’t get to make the trip due to a force majeure event. This way, you won’t lose the money invested in bookings and reservations.
In which situations can I use my cancellation insurance?
The answer to this question may vary from one policy to another and from one travel insurance company to another. So to have an accurate answer, better read the Terms and Conditions of the hired plan.
However, there are some considerations that are common to all policies. This means that in most cases you’ll be able to use your insurance if:
How can I purchase my policy?
To acquire your protection plan, all you have to do is quote, compare and buy online at
To do so, first, fill the quotation form you’ll find at the top of this same web page with relevant information about your trip, like dates of departure and return, as well as places of origin and destination.
Then, analyze the options we’ll present you with the help of our online comparison tool. Once you’ve made a decision about which insurance to buy, purchase it through our secure payment system. The policy will be sent to your email and it’ll be ready to be used.
Trust in and let us be your back-up with our cancellation insurance. It’ll be the best of your choices!