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Recommendations about hotels and services

Everywhere around the world, hotels are ranked by stars. They go from one to five. Having one start means the hotel is classified as “normal” and having five means it is a luxurious one, as it has a perfectly neat design and a service of really high quality.


The purpose of classifying hotels by stars is to inform travelers about the basic facilities they can expect to find in the hotel they’re visiting. But, to the date, the objective of hotel rating has expanded into a focus on the hotel as a whole.

From normal to luxurious

  • ½ star: Indicates modest improvements in the quality and conditions of guest facilities
  • 1 star: Budget facilities without compromising cleanliness or guest security.
  • 2 stars: Services and guest facilities are typically limited to keep room rates affordable and competitive, but may be available upon request or fee-based.
  • 3 starts: Properties that deliver a broad range of amenities that exceed above-average accommodation needs. Good quality service, design and physical attributes typically fit for purpose to match guest expectations.
  • 4 starts: Places that achieve a deluxe guest experience. A wide range of facilities and superior design qualities are typically complemented by service standards that reflect the varied and discerning needs of the guest.
  • 5 starts: Hotels that typify luxury across all areas of operation. Guests will enjoy an extensive range of facilities and comprehensive or highly personalized services. Properties at this level will display excellent design quality and attention to detail.

There is also one hotel in the entire world, with a rating of 7 stars. This is the Burhj Al Arab, in Dubai, which opened in 1998 with a servant per room.

Think in your needs and budget

It is always amazing to travel to different destinations and to stay in the most comfortable and luxurious place. But before reserving a five star hotel, first think about how long are you staying and how much you can spend. This will help you choose the right hotel for you.

And remember, always travel safe and secure hiring travel insurance here at TheTravelInsurers.com. It will be the best of your decisions!

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